Sunday, July 09, 2006

Dedicated to my girlie gang!

For the uninitiated, my girlie gang is at PaGalGirL. How I came to know of it is a story in itself which I would not get into today though!

I am 600 posts old at PGG!Hmm. Quite surprised by the number considering that I rarely post on Daddy Forum.But my girlie gang is special to me. I have found amazing people there. PaGalGirL is all about women - our lives, our joys, our sorrows, our grievings and every emotion a woman goes through. So, its evident that my posts will be large in number. A woman of substance, of style, of composure, an entrepreneur, a home-maker, a friend, a lover, a woman with her share of gossips, bitch fights, nagging and cribbing- thats a complete woman! Of course the definitions vary from person to person. This is my definition.

Sowmya (our PGG momma) has been largely responsible for keeping the place up and running and making it inviting for lost souls like me! We are currently working on inviting more women to PGG so that it rocks even more. I forgot to mention that membership to PGG is by invitation and limited to "women only". So, anyone reading this post, please suggest ideas by using the comment tab.

Overview of the PGG sections: Ideas to grow the place, Foodie's joint, Raver's Club, Single's Club, Health Sciences, Relationships, Career Talk, Agony Aunt, Fashion Trends.

And of course my girlie gang: Divi, FD, Ivy, NoopS, Deepti, Sunila, Sree, Namrata, Priya, GTB, Palz, Varuna, Meenaxi! Love all of them!! Seems like a lifetime bond developing!!

Well, thats what girlie gangs are all about!!

PGG rocks!!


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